Paul> Yeah well, the Wxpython, PyQt, PyGTK etc. people may feel slighted
    Paul> that Tkinter got included and their stuff didn't, and the Eric,
    Paul> Eclipse, Komodo etc. people may feel slighted that IDLE got
    Paul> included, but that doesn't stop Tkinter and IDLE from being useful
    Paul> and worth shipping in Python.

They were both pretty much the only games in town when they were included
with Python.  If they were developed in today's environment I doubt they
would be included.

    Paul> Basic competitive analysis.  People ask here all the time "I'm
    Paul> trying to write application XYZ, should I use language L or should
    Paul> I use Python" (L is usually Java or PHP but can be other things).

So every time some lame ass PHP refugee gripes about something they think
Python is missing which PHP includes we should scan the horizon for all the
candidates and toss them in the next release?


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