Hi All, I've been working on a domain parking project where we need to analyze a domain name, say "bookhotel", and get keywords(book, hotel) out of it, then use these keywords to do some search.
There are two ways to do this as far as I can see, longest match and quickest match. Longest match: bookhotel -> check with a dictionary -> False bookhote -> dictionary -> False ... book -> dictionary -> True, kw1 = book then try the rest of the domain name hotel -> dictionary -> True, kw2 = hotel While quickest match starts with 'b'. The keywords sure will not be perfect, but I think these two will work for us at the moment. Any comments/suggestions on this? Also, does anyone know where I can find a decent dictionary that I can use to verify if a word is a valid English word? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list