Op 2005-02-09, Diez B. Roggisch schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Now although this behaviour was surprising after somethought
>> I think I may understand why things go wrong, but I certainly
>> don't understand the result I got. I would think an error like:
>> TypeError: call() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
>> would have been more appropiate.
>> Am I missing something?
>> Is it a bug?
>> Maybe both?
> Maybe I'm missing something - but I exactly get that error if I don't use
> that try: except: of yours:

Ah, yes, the penny dropped. The try: except where there because
originally there were other statements I wanted to test and I
didn't want the raise exception by the inc(-2) stop the script.
I completely forget to consider it would also catch the
error I was expecting.


Antoon Pardon

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