Hi i made a wrapper class for handling file and dir operations and i wonder, whats the performance penalty for making such wrapper classes? here it is:
################################## import os class File(object): #access modes F_OK = os.F_OK, W_OK = os.W_OK, R_OK = os.R_OK, X_OK = os.X_OK def __init__(s,pathToFile): s.path = pathToFile s.name = os.path.basename(s.path) s.dirName = os.path.dirname(s.path) #s.size = path.getsize(s.path) def size(s): return os.path.getsize(s.path) def open(s,mode='r'): return open(s.path,mode) def openw(s): return open(s.path,'w') def access(s,mode): return os.access(s.path,mode) def abspath(s): return os.path.abspath(s.path) def getatime(s): return os.path.getatime(s.path) def getctime(s): return os.path.getctime(s.path) def isabs(s): return os.path.isabs(s.path) def isfile(s): return os.path.isfile(s.path) def isdir(s): return os.path.isdir(s.path) def ext(s): return os.path.splitext(s.path)[1] def stat(s): return os.stat(s.path) def access(s,mode): return os.access(s.path,mode) def chdir(path) : os.chdir(path) def cwd() : return os.getcwd() def chmod(path,mode): return os.chmod(path,mode) def chown(path,uid,gid): os.chown(path,uid,gid) def ln(src,dest): os.symlink(src,dest) def ls(path): return os.listdir(path) def mkdir(path,rec=False,mode = 0777) : if not rec: os.mkdir(path,mode) else: os.makedirs(path,mode) def rm(path): os.remove(path) def rename(old,new): os.rename(old,new) def rmdir(path): os.rmdir(path) def xremove(path) : 'just unix' os.system('rm -rf %s' % path) def utime(path,times=None): 'set times of a file\ times = tuple like (atime,ctime) ' os.utime(path,times) if __name__ == '__main__': f = File('/tmp') print f.isfile() print f.isdir() print f.size() print ls('/tmp') -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list