Haha!  My mistake.

The error is that when a web server is chunking a web page only the
first chunk appears to be acquired by the urllib2.urlopen call.  If you
check the headers, there is no 'Content-length' (as expected) and
instead there is 'transfer-encoding' = 'chunked'.  I am getting about
the first 30Kb, and then nothing else.

I don't get a ValueError like described at the following post:


Here's the code that I think is failing, it's basically textbook Python
for accessing a url:

file = urllib2.urlopen(url)
contenttype = file.info().type
if contenttype and contenttype.find('text') > -1:
    return file.read()
# I am checking the content type because I don't want to download
.jpegs and the like

I have typed similar commands into the interpreter, which also produces
only about the first 30KB of the url.

Sorry for the confusion.

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje
> >I am having errors which appear to be linked to a previous bug in
> > urllib2 (and urllib) for v2.4 and v2.5 of Python.  Has this been fixed?
> > Has anyone established a standard workaround?  I keep finding old
> > posts about it, that basically give up and say "well it's a known bug."
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Perhaps if you said what the supposed error is...
> -- 
> Gabriel Genellina


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