1, 2, 3, 5, 7... PRIME Numbers [ Mathematics / Physics / Engineering ]
________________________________ Definitions What is a PRIME Number ? A PRIME number is a number whose only positive divisors are one and itself. What is a MAGIC SQUARE? A magic square is an arrangement of numbers in a square, such that the numbers in all rows, all columns, and both diagonals sum to the same number. ________________________________ MAGIC SQUARES & PRIME Numbers The secret of PRIME Numbers are embedded within the puzzle known as "MAGIC SQUARES". PRIME Numbers and Magic Squares go hand in hand. PRIME Numbers & The Number '1' PRIME Numbers are the progress of TIME or The Number '1' in the universe. Another definition of "Science" is the comprehension of PRIME Numbers. The Number '1' is like "a seed" and PRIME Numbers is the "tree" that grows or progresses from that seed. The seed and the tree are one and the same. ________________________________ The Comphrehension of the Number '1' IS the study of PRIME Numbers, for the Number '1' is the only number in the universe that is truly "indivisible". Since PRIME Numbers take on the nature of the Number '1', and the Number '1' is the seed of all PRIME Numbers, therefore the Number '1' is PRIME Number. ________________________________ To "divide" a PRIME by "itself" OR by the Number '1', results in a "canceling of itself out" OR the PRIME Number "dissolves into its original state" of "NOTHING" OR . EXAMPLES: 1 / 1 = PI 2 / 1 = PI 2 / 2 = PI 3 / 1 = PI 3 / 3 = PI etc. ________________________________ PRIME Numbers & TIME To count 'TIME' is to count the number of 'coincidences' OR same - time - occurrences of The Number '1'. "To count TIME" IS NOT EQUAL TO "measuring TIME" in "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", etc. To measure TIME in "seconds", "minutes", etc. is impossible. THEREFORE "To count TIME" IS to count in (the) PRIME Numbers: 1,2,3,5,7,11,13... -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list