Yes, I tried your suggestion, but found that it took longer to read a
large file. Thanks for your help.

Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
> oyekomova wrote:
> > Thanks to everyone for their excellent suggestions. I was able to
> > acheive the following results with all your suggestions. However, I am
> > unable to cross file size of 6 million rows. I would appreciate any
> > helpful suggestions on avoiding memory errors. None of the solutions
> > posted was able to cross this limit.
> Did you try using numpy.fromfile ?
> This will not require you to allocate more memory than needed.   If you
> specify a count, it will also not have to re-allocate memory in blocks
> as the array size grows.
> It's limitation is that it is not a very sophisticated csv reader (it
> only understands a single separator (plus line-feeds are typically seen
> as a separator).
> -Travis


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