> Thus there are different levels of parallelization:
> 1 file/database based; multiple batch jobs
> 2 Message Passing, IPC, RPC, ...
> 3 Object Sharing
> 4 Sharing of global data space (Threads)
> 5 Local parallelism / Vector computing, MMX, 3DNow,...
> There are good reasons for all of these levels.
> Yet "parallel python" to me fakes to be on level 3 or 4 (or even 5 :-) ), 
> while its just a level 2
> system, where "passing", "remote", "inter-process" ... are the right vocables.
In one of the previous posts I've mentioned that ppsmp is based on
processes + IPC, which makes it a system with level 2 parallelization,
the same level where MPI is.
Also it's obvious from the fact that it's written completely in python,
as python objects cannot be shared due to GIL (POSH can do sharing
because it's an extension written in C).

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