At Thursday 11/1/2007 14:09, nic wrote:

import os
pstr = r'"c:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free\avgscan.exe" "c:\program
a = os.popen(pstr)

I've confirmed the string I'm inputting to os.popen is EXACTLY the same
as the one I can successfully execute manually in command prompt, so
when I go:
print pstr, it yields:
"c:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free\avgscan.exe" "c:\program

The problem remains popen won't execute this line as it does when
inputted manually to command prompt.

I have AVG so I tried this example. That's not the problem. popen works ok, avgscan is executed. But the avgscan program does *not* use stdout nor stderr to write to the console, so popen can't capture its output.
You can confirm this at the command prompt:

"c:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free\avgscan.exe" "c:\program files\temp1\test1.txt" >output.txt 2>&1

You will see the usual progress messages from avgscan *on screen*, and when you type output.txt, it's empty. avgscan appears to write directly to the console.
You may use the /REPORT option; avgscan /? for details.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL


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