Hey, there. I'm currently having a problem with what *looks* like an interaction between using subprocess and RotatingFileHandler.
This is on Windows with Python 2.3 I have two console applications: app1 and app2. For most of app2 to function properly, app1 must already be running. App1 logs to c:\app1.log. App2 logs to c:\app2.log, both using RotatingFileHandler from the logging module. If I run app1, and then app2, it all works fine. Specifically, the apps are logging correctly and I can see with Process Explorer that each has a handle to the appropriate files. However, I have a setting to make App2 run App1 in the background for convienance. This is using the subprocess module. When this setting is on, App2 will die horribly the first time that the doRollover comes along: specifically it gets a permission denied error when it tries to rename App2.log to App2.log.1 After doing some debugging, it appears that App1 (if started by App2 using the subprocess module) has a handle to App2.log /somehow/. It never starts it, or touches it (verified through debug messages), but seems to inherit it. Is there anything obvious I'm doing wrong? :) If it doesn't jump out at anyone, I'll write up a mockup. I'm hoping I just did something of a goof that will be obvious though, since the apps are a bit complicated and distilling them down to a testcase will be mildly annoying. :) Thanks in advance. --Stephen
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