On 9 Jan 2007 06:58:15 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello all,
> I represent Octabox, an Internet Start-up developing a wide-scale
> platform for Internet services.  We are very interested to know your
> thoughts on Internet productivity and how it might be improved, and to
> that end we have set up a short survey at our website -
> http://www.octabox.com/productivity_poll.php
> We would very much appreciate if you would take a couple of minutes to
> fill it up and influence our direction and empahsis.

Well, that was too tempting to pass up. Amusing answers related to dirty
bastard time-wasting spammers duly entered and submitted.


Our team is conducting a benchmarking effort to gather an outside-in
view on development performance metrics and best practice approaches 
to issues of process and organization from companies involved in a 
variety of software development (and systems integration).

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