
i hope this is the correct place...
i have an issue with some regex code i wonder if you have any insight:


import re, sys

def makeRE(w):
        print w + " length = " + str(len(w))
        reString = "r'" + w[:1]
        w = w[1:]
        if len(w) > 0:
                for c in (w):
                        reString += "|" + c
        reString += "'"
        print "reString = " + reString
        return reString

test = sys.argv[1]
stg = sys.argv[2]

while test:
        print "test = ", test
        print "stg = ", stg
        rx_a = re.compile(makeRE(test))
        i = rx_a.search(stg).start()
        print "i = " + str(i)
        id = test.find(stg[i])
        test = test[:id] + test[id+1:]
        print "test == ", test
        stg = stg[:i] + stg[i+1:]


i get the following output:


test =  abc
stg =  defabc
abc length = 3
reString = r'a|b|c'
i = 4
test ==  ac

test =  ac
stg =  defac
ac length = 2
reString = r'a|c'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "aaaa.py", line 21, in ?
    i = rx_a.search(stg).start()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'start'


i am fairly new to this, and can't see the reason for the error.  what
am i missing?

btw, i think there are simpler ways to go about this, but i am doing it
this way (regexs) for a bit of a challenge and learning experience.

thanks to all!



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