* Gabriel Genellina wrote (on 1/5/2007 12:49 PM):
> At Friday 5/1/2007 17:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> wordfreq = [wordlist.count(p) for p in wordlist]
>> I would expect
>> for p in wordlist:
>>     wordfreq.append(wordlist.count(p))
>> I didn't know you could have an expression in the same line.
> That's known as a "list comprehension" and is roughly equivalent to your 
> code. Section 5 of the tutorial covers them. 
> http://docs.python.org/tut/node7.html

If you have a Python installation you should be able to find the
"Whats New" section of the docs.  List comprehensions are described
pretty well in the "What's new in Python 2.0?" section.  This gives
some simple examples as well as the rationale behind them.


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