On 2007-01-05, king kikapu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Under Windows, I ususally use py2exe+inno-setup.
> Xmmm...i have downloaded this and try a (very) simple project
> and it is working great. Of your experience, does it also
> working great when you have more complex solutions,
> e.x. many 3rd party modules like wxWidgets and so ??

Yes.  I use it to deply wxPython apps that use a lot of third
party packages like pyserial, numpy, scipy, scientific python,
pygnuplot, plotlib.

The resulting setup.exe files seem awfully large to somebody
who cut his teeth on Unix Version 7 on a PDP-11 with 256KB of
RAM and a 20MB hard drive (and who still writes programs for
platforms with 256 bytes of RAM).

But, by windows standards they're not all that large.  Nobody
cares anymore that a program won't fit on a floppy disk...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I think my CAREER
                                  at               is RUINED!!

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