fscked schrieb:
> # Create the <boxes> base element
> boxes = doc.createElement("boxes")
> myfile = open('ClientsXMLUpdate.txt')
> csvreader = csv.reader(myfile)
> for row in csvreader:
>     mainbox = doc.createElement("box")
>     doc.appendChild(boxes)
>     r2 = csv.reader(myfile)
>     b = r2.next()
>     mainbox.setAttribute("city", b[10])
> And it just works...

You should not use it like that: it will only work if the CSV file is
encoded in UTF-8. If the CSV file uses any other encoding, the resulting
XML file will be ill-formed.

What you should do instead is

encoding_of_csv_file = some_value_that_the_producer_of_the_file_told_you
     mainbox.setAttribute("city", b[10].decode(encoding_of_csv_file))


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