>OK, so according to Linus, the GPL allows .... No. Pay attention. Linus has his own revised version, to clarify this point, and in fact /overruling/ the GPL if the point is clarified differently by RMS or others.
That's the right of their community, it's /their/ code. >make calls to the kernel, but TrollTech says the GPL doesn't allow a >proprietary program to make calls to the Qt library. That's their prerogative, although TrollTech's authority as an /interpretational/ entity over the GPL means precisely zero. I wouldn't push this, though, unless you've got a big litigation budget. >It's this double-standard that I find confusing, since both projects >are said to be based on the same license. Linus doesn't use "the" GPL, he uses "his" GPL, version-whatever. Anyway, your safe bet: Follow the copyright holder's wishes. That's fair. After all, it's free, so they're doing you a damn big favor. C// -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list