Ben Sizer schrieb:
> Gabriel Genellina wrote:

>> Notice that there is NO need to alter the system path. You just have
>> to tell Windows where python.exe resides; there is a per-application
>> path located at
>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths.
>> In order to launch Python just writing "python" at the command
>> prompt, the installer should -instead of playing with the system
>> path- create a new key below App Paths, named "python.exe", and set
>> its default value to the full path of the installed python executable.
>> See
>>From what I can tell, that is solely for file associations. If so, it
> will work if you type " install" but not if you type "python
> install". For instance, I have an entry for Firefox in that
> part of the registry, but if you try executing "firefox" at the command
> line, it fails.

Not really.  It's for ShellExecute, which is used for the 'run' entry in the
start menu, or when you type 'start firefox' from the command line.



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