Steve Holden said unto the world upon 2005-02-07 17:51:
Alexander Zatvornitskiy wrote:

Привет Alex!

05 февраля 2005 в 17:00, Alex Martelli в своем письме к All писал:


 AM> to all intents and purposes working "as if"
 AM> it was a declaration.  If I had to vote about the one worst formal
 AM> defect of Python, it would surely be 'global'.
Second worsest - 'def'? :)

The reason global is a wart can clearly be seen in the following example:

 >>> x = 3
 >>> def f(tf, v):
 ...   if tf:
 ...     global x
 ...   x = v
 >>> f(0, 5)
 >>> x

This makes it apparent that the global statement is *not* executable, the only one in the language that is not.




Steve's example makes my brain hurt. :-)

I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me if I am understanding the example correctly. (My grasp of the terminology and issues at play is a bit shaky.)

Let me simplify Steve's example to:

.def hurts_my_brain(v):
.    if False:     # unlike Steve's eg, ensuring that the
.        global x  # nested block is never hit at runtime
.    x = v

(I checked, and it works the same as the original eg, modulo change of function name.)

Is the right way to understand it in this vicinity:

At compile time (by which I mean when the Python bytecode is built) the global statement is hit and has the effect of `bumping up' the function local name `x' to the module namespace, making the function local name `x' synonymous with the module global name `x'. At runtime, the `global x' is never reached, but it has already, at compile time, had its effect on the nature of the function object hurts_my_brain. Further, if the function had instead said 'if True:' the global statement would have been reached at runtime, but would have been without effect due to this, having already been `used up' in the creation of the bytecode.

Can it then be further (truly :-) ) said that

if False:
    # thousands of lines of code here

would effect the structure of the function object's bytecode, but not its behaviour when run? Or, at most, would cause a performance effect due to the bytecode being bloated by thousands of line's worth of code that would never get executed?

Thanks for any confirmation of my understanding / rectification of same. Best,

Brian vdB

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