I am rather annoyed at the "apples vs. oranges" arguments I frequently
see on Reddit and the like.  I picked up python last summer after going
through a very messy breakup (it seemed like a good thing to do with all
the alone time).  Anyway, ever since I started writing python, I've been
bugged by a "apples vs. oranges" coworker to learn Lisp, because they
are very similar.  So at the beginning of this thread, I was reminded
that I should go check it out.

That's all it did for me.  It reminded me to do something I was planning
on doing myself anyway.  Lisp vs. Python?  How 'bout Haskell vs. Java,
PBASIC vs. C++, and while we're at it, SmallTalk vs. Assembler!
>> This month there was/is a 1000+ long thread called:
>>  "merits of Lisp vs Python"
>> In comp.lang.lisp.
>> I use both. And Java, and C++ too. Can one really survive knowing just
>> one language these days, anyway? 

I agree with this entirely.  I started learning PBASIC to work with a
microcontroller.  I learned Java for portability.  I learned PHP for
ease of web application development (I've been largely unimpressed with
the python frameworks...but it's also lack of experience).  I use python
for utilities I need, and Lisp is great for some of the functional needs
I have (see Mosquito-Lisp and the MOSREF project), and I can see use in
it.  But how many web applications have you seen written in Assembler? 
How many OS kernels written in Lisp?

I bought my girlfriend an art desk for Christmas.  I didn't use a
freakin' hammer to drive the screws.  Wrong tool for the job.  Each
language has its ups and downs.  Call me the Martin Luther King of
programming languages, but I have a dream.  We can no sooner say one
language is better than another than say white people are superior to
black people.  We're equal in our own respects.


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