Maxim Sloyko wrote:
> Lad wrote:
> > In my web application I use Apache and mod_python.
> > I allow users to upload huge files( via HTTP FORM , using POST method)
> > I would like to store the file directly on a hard disk and not to
> > upload the WHOLE huge file into  server's memory first.
> > Can anyone suggest a solution?
> The only solution you need is Apache and mod_python :)
> I mean,  Apache won't load a huge POST request into its memory no
> matter what. All file uploads will be stored in temporary files. Under
> mod_python (provided you use FieldStorage) you'll need to deal only
> with 'file' objects.

 Maxim ,
Thank you for your reply.
Here is an example:
If a user uploads 100MB file ,
what will be a consumption of memory, when the upload is complete?

Or does it mean that Apache will read a part of a file , store it in a
temporary file, then read another part and adds this part to the
temporary file and so on until the whole uploaded file is read?
Thank you for the reply.


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