Le lundi 7 Février 2005 20:30, Steven Bethard a écrit :
> Francis Girard wrote:
> > Is there someone on this list using this tool and happy with it ? Or is
> > my mind too much targeted on FP paradigm and most of you really think
> > that all the functions that apply another function to each and every
> > elements of a list are bad (like "reduce", "map", "filter") ?
> I know there are definitely proponents for map and filter, especially
> for simple cases like:
>      map(int, lst)
>      filter(str.strip, lst)
> Note that, unlike reduce, map and filter aren't really going to increase
> the number of function calls.  Consider the equivalent list comprehensions:
>      [int(x) for x in lst]
>      [x for x in lst if str.strip(x)]    [1]
> The list comprehensions also require the same number of function calls
> in these cases.  Of course, in cases where a function does not already
> exist, map and filter will require more function calls.  Compare:
>      map(lambda x: x**2 + 1, lst)
> with
>      [x**2 + 1 for x in lst]
> Where the LC allows you to essentially "inline" the function.  (You can
> dis.dis these to see the difference if you like.)

I see.

> As far as my personal preferences go, while the simple cases of map and
> filter (the ones using existing functions) are certainly easy enough for
> me to read, for more complicated cases, I find things like:
>      [x**2 + 1 for x in lst]
>      [x for x in lst if (x**2 + 1) % 3 == 1]
> much more readable than the corresponding:
>      map(lambda x: x**2 + 1, lst)
>      filter(lambda x: (x**2 + 1) % 3 == 1, lst)

I agree.

> especially since I avoid lambda usage, and would have to write these as:

Why avoid "lambda" usage ? You find them too difficult to read (I mean in 
general) ?

>      def f1(x):
>          return x**2 + 1
>      map(f1, lst)
>      def f2(x):
>          return (x**2 + 1) % 3 == 1
>      map(f2, lst)
> (I actually find the non-lambda code clearer, but still more complicated
> than the list comprehensions.)
> Given that I use list comprehensions for the complicated cases, I find
> it to be more consistent if I use list comprehensions in all cases, so I
> even tend to avoid the simple map and filter cases.
> As far as reduce goes, I've never seen code that I thought was clearer
> using reduce than using a for-loop.  I have some experience with FP, and
> I can certainly figure out what a given reduce call is doing given
> enough time, but I can always understand the for-loop version much more
> quickly.

I think it's a question of habits. But I agree that we should always go with 
code we find easy to read and that we think others find the same.
I think I will stop using that function in Python if Python practionners find 
it difficult to read in general. There is no point in being cool just for 
being cool.

Thank you
Francis Girard

> Of course, YMMV.
> STeVe
> [1] While it's not technically equivalent, this would almost certainly
> be written as:
>      [x for x in lst if x.strip()]
> which in fact takes better advantage of Python's duck-typing -- it will
> work for unicode objects too.


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