Thanks you! that did it.

PS: the 'wrong' info I got seems to be in the official howtos



On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 18:23:28 +0100, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

>> A couple things to notice: we used socket.gethostname() so that the
>> socket would be visible to the outside world. If we had used s.bind(('',
>> 80)) or s.bind(('localhost', 80)) or s.bind(('', 80)) we would
>> still have a "server" socket, but one that was only visible within the
>> same machine.
> This is wrong. There is a difference between passing '' and 'localhost'. The
> latter  binds the socket only to the ip, where '' binds it to all
> available ips.
>> My problem is that I cannot connect to my server if the client is not on
>> the same PC (although I'm doing the above).
>> Also:
>> 1) my server has more than one IP addresses
>> 2) my server does not have any DNS name
>> ... so I want to connect to an IP address that I can ping but has no
>> name.
>> How can I do that ?
> Pass the ip as hostname (as string like "")


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