Huayang Xia a écrit : > I'm confused. What is the definition of closure. > > I'm not sure if it's correct, I get the definition from wikipedia: > > "A closure typically comes about when one function is declared entirely > within the body of another, and the inner function refers to local > variables of the outer function. At runtime, when the outer function > executes, a closure is formed. It consists of the inner function's code > and references to any variables in the outer function's scope that the > closure needs."
You skipped the first and most important sentence: "In programming languages, a closure is a function that refers to free variables in its lexical context." IOW, a closure is a function that carry it's own environment. In the following code, the function returned by make_adder is a closure : def make_adder(adding): def adder(num): return num + adding return adder add_three = make_adder(3) print add_three(4) => 7 > I agree it is not declaration, it's definition. However it's closure > based on the above definition. It uses free variable. Actually, it uses a variable defined in the enclosing scope. But as long as it's also executed in the same enclosing scope, it's just a nested function. > Or you mean it's > a closure only when the outer function returns it and be exposed to > external world? Bingo. --