Smart Charter Inc. is a dynamic new startup company whose goal is to revolutionize the charter jet industry. If you are looking for a stable 9-5 job, look elsewhere. If you are ready for a challenging ground-floor opportunity with significant upside potential you've come to the right place. We are not your typical dotcom. We have a razor-sharp focus on an existing multi-billion-dollar market. We also have the connections and the technical expertise we need to revolutionize an industry. If that sounds like something you'd like to be part of, drop us a line.
We are currently hiring for the following positions: Web developer: We are a principally a LAMP shop with P=Python, with some of our more advanced development currently taking place using Common Lisp. We are more interested in brains and motivation than formal credentials, though a degree in CS can't hurt. But if we have to choose between a passionate high school dropout and and an apathetic Ph.D. we'll take the dropout. If your main expertise is Java you are probably not a good fit. We are currently hiring for the following positions: Windows developer: Although we are primarily a Linux shop, we have to interface with some existing Windows legacy applications whose vendors may or may not be cooperative. We need someone who is a wizard at reverse-engineering Windows applications and data file formats, and building interfaces to them by whatever means necessary. System administrator: Our production environment is currently Linux, but we also have OS X and Windows machines at the corporate office. Ideally we'd like to find someone with experience in all three environments, but if we have to choose we would prefer Linux expertise over the other two. Senior applications developer: Our advanced applications work is currently being done in Common Lisp, but that could change depending on who we find to fill this position. If you are the sort of person who has always wanted an opportunity to prove that Haskell or OCaml is the Best Way to write software, this could be your chance. But CL is currently our first choice. These four positions do not necessarily have to be filled by four distinct people. A breadth of experience and expertise is highly desirable. A passion for flying wouldn't hurt either. Smart Charter is located in the Los Angeles area. Telecommuting is a possibility, but would not be our first choice. Contact us at tech-hr at smartcharter dot com. --