Carl Banks wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > It looks to me like python hosting, aka webfaction, have shut down > > access to all projects hosted under their free hosting for open source > > python projects program. Including mine (nose). With no notice -- at > > least none that I received. > > > > Surprised doesn't quite cover it. Perhaps someone from python hosting > > can explain why this was done, why no notice was given (if it wasn't), > > and how those of us trying to restart our projects elsewhere can get > > access to our subversion repositories and trac data. > > Maybe you're overreacting? Try checking the SVN tomorrow. Even Python > programs can have downtime.
I certainly hope so, but this is what I'm reacting to (from "We're sorry, we're not longer accepting applications for free trac/svn accounts. People have left their Trac sites unattended and as a result our server is being flooded with spam. We need to do some serious cleanup and when that's done we'll accept new applications again (that might take weeks, if not months though). " Unless my reading comprehension skills have completely abandoned me, they aren't saying that they are experiencing downtime. They are saying that they have shut down the service, for weeks or months -- with no notice (again, at least not any that I got). I can understand shutting down projects that are dead and just accumulating spam. I can understand shutting the whole thing down, with a decent notice so that projects don't die with the service. This, I just don't get. I hope I'm overreacting. I hope I can slurp up all of my tickets tomorrow and import them into their new home at google. But I'm not counting on it. JP --