"Hendrik van Rooyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: "Lad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In a text I need to
>> add a blank(space) after a comma but only if there was no blank(space)
>> after the comman
>> If there was a blank(space), no change is made.
>> I think it could be a task for regular expression but can not figure
>> out the correct regular expression.
> re's are a pain.  Do this instead:
>>>> s = "hello, goodbye,boo"
>>>> s.replace(', ',',')
> 'hello,goodbye,boo'
>>>> _.replace(',',', ')
> 'hello, goodbye, boo'
Personally I'd go one step further and regularise the whitespace around the 
commas completely (otherwise what if you have spaces before commas, or 
multiple spaces after them:

>>> s = "hello, goodbye ,  boo"
>>> print ', '.join(t.strip() for t in s.split(','))
hello, goodbye, boo

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