Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
> On 11 Dec 2006 03:01:32 -0800, Ravi Teja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Timofei Shatrov wrote:
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> >Of course, doctest is hardly the ultimate testing solution. But it does
> >an admirable job for many cases where you don't need to setup elaborate
> >tests.
> >
> >> It's not surprising that no one uses this stuff for serious work.
> >
> >I have seen enough libraries that use doctest. Zope, Twisted and Paste
> >are some of the popular Python projects in that use it. Epydoc supports
> >it as well.
> Just as a factual correction, Twisted does not use doctests.
> Jean-Paul

You are right. I did a quick search on my Python Lib folder for that
post to list some well known projects. Twisted does have some doctests
in there but does not use them for actual testing (apparently, only to
check for doctest support).

Ravi Teja.


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