Op 2005-02-07, Alex Martelli schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Op 2005-02-06, Alex Martelli schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >  
>> >> Isn't that inconsistent?
>> >
>> > That Python has many callable types, not all of which are descriptors?
>> > I don't see any inconsistency there.  Sure, a more generalized currying
>> > (argument-prebinding) capability would be more powerful, but not more
>> > consistent (there's a PEP about that, I believe).
>> I think python is a bit inconsistent here, by using 'def' for
>> two different things.
> It doesn't.
>> I think it would have been more consistent
>> if def always produces a function
> It does.
> def g(self): pass
> class A(object):
>   f = g
> class B(object):
>   def f(self): pass
> class C(object): pass
> C.f = g
> class D(object):
>   f = B.f
> These four classes are essentially equivalent.  def always produces a
> function object and binds it to the name coming after keyword 'def'.
> Any such function object, no matter how produced and how bound hither
> and thither, always behaves in exactly the same way.
> You're free to like or dislike this arrangement, but calling it
> "inconsistent" is a madman's folly, as it is TOTALLY consistent.

Yes it is inconsistent with the rest of python. That you found
a subset in which it is consistent doesn't change that.

And what if you do:

  c = C()
  c.f = g

The fact that a function in a class performs a lot of magic if
it is called through an instance, that isn't performed otherwise,
makes python inconsistent here. You may like the arrangement
(and it isn't such a big deal IMO) but that doesn't make it consistent.

Antoon Pardon

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