PySol uses TKinter as GUI system. Wanting to learn python I am studying PySol, but having choosed Qt as my GUI, I am asking if someone can comment on my choice both on pysol as as an application worth to study (I want to implement a card game) and mainly on Qt choice.
Perhaps it would be better if I choose an application already written in python and Qt (or PyQt)... but I do not know any in the card games field. A last thing. I was not favourably impressed by the behaviour of the PySol Programming Group ( "Due to recent happenings (some distributions "patch" out sound support, some companies sell disguised PySol versions as their own programs, ...) any work on PySol4 has been stopped, and only the source code remains available. After more than six years of work on PySol I realize more and more that the GNU GPL does not work out for game-like programs, and I'm seriously considering using some stricter license for PySol5." --