M.E.Farmer wrote:

Jeffrey Borkent
Systems Specialist
Information Technology Services

With that kind of credentials, and the fact that you claim you are a
system specialists....
I don't know you have me worried already.
I guess for you I just say RTFM.
If you think that is harsh then don't ask a 2nd grade question yet
claim/pretend to be some sorta system specialists.

Hey, ease up, this is comp.lang.python, remember.

You tried searching the archives first I am sure.
Go here  http://www.python.org and *read*, come back when you are
really stuck.
P.S. YES the __ matter, they identify special methods ! __init__ is the

Next time, could we try exchanging the body of the message and the PS? That way you could have omitted the PS when you got half way through it and realised you were just wasting your time and everyone else's ...

got-out-the-wrong-side-of-bed-ly y'rs  - steve
Meet the Python developers and your c.l.py favorites March 23-25
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