Frank Niessink schrieb:

> Now, with Python 2.5 (and not with Python 2.4) I have a callback that is 
> not being added to the list because, apparently, it compares equal to 
> some of the callbacks already in the list. However, the instance the two 
> methods belong to are different, i.e. id(callback) returns different 
> values for the two methods. Both callbacks are of type <type 
> 'instancemethod'>. Further investigation shows that "observer == 
> observerList[1]" is True.
> Has instancemethod.__cmp__ changed between python 2.4 and 2.5?

It seems so:

  python -c "o = object(); print o.__str__ == o.__str__"

prints True with Python 2.5, and False with Python 2.4.



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