"Kevin Walzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I want to write some variables (user preferences, specifically) to a
> text file and then read the values from that file.
> Here is my code to write the data:
> verbosemodes= """
>    Detailed = "-vv"
>    Basic = "-q"
>    """
> file = open('prefs', 'w')
> file.writelines(verbosemodes)
> file.close()
> And here is my code, in a separate module, to read the file and display
> the variable values:
> readfile = open('prefs').readlines()
> for line in readfile:
> print line
> print Basic
> Running the second module yields this error:
>    Detailed = "-vv"
>    Basic = "-q"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "readprefs.py", line 6, in <module>
>    print Basic
> NameError: name 'Basic' is not defined
> Clearly the data is getting read (the lines are being printed), but the
> variable itself ("Basic") is not being initialized properly. I'm not
> sure what I'm doing wrong here--can anyone point me in the right
> direction?  Thanks.

All you've done is print two strings with the contentents of the two lines 
from the file, this does not execute the code in these strings.

Try this:
readfile = open('prefs').readlines()

for line in readfile:
 print line
 print Basic



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