I'm getting a strange behaviour from the "pathname" and "lineno" formatter mapping keys. Instead of my file and my line number I get:
/usr/lib/python2.4/logging/__init__.py as the file, and 1072 as the line number. I set up my config as follows: logBaseConf = { 'level' : logging.DEBUG, 'format' : "%(levelname)-8s|%(asctime)s|%(pathname)s, %(name)s, line %(lineno)s|%(message)s", 'datefmt ': '%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S', 'filename': 'logtest.log', 'filemode': 'a' } logging.basicConfig(**logBaseConf) I'm not using any executable-generating tools such as cx_Freeze or Psyco. In fact, I'm getting this error on a very basic script with the specific purpose of testing the logging module capabilities. Thanks in advance for any contribution. T. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list