By assigning to __dict__ directly, you can use the attribute view either as it's own dictionary (by not supplying one, or supplying a new one), or as a convenient way to programmatically modify an existing one. For example, you could use it to easily bind globals without needing the 'global' keyword:
Py> class attr_view(object): ... def __init__(self, data): ... self.__dict__ = data ... Py> def f(): ... gbls = attr_view(globals()) ... gbls.x = 5 ... Py> x Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? NameError: name 'x' is not defined Py> f() Py> x 5
Hmm... interesting. This isn't the main intended use of Bunch/Struct/whatever, but it does seem like a useful thing to have... I wonder if it would be worth having, say, a staticmethod of Bunch that produced such a view, e.g.:
class Bunch(object): ... @staticmethod def view(data): result = Bunch() result.__dict__ = data return result
Then you could write your code as something like:
gbls = Bunch.view(globals())
I'm probably gonna need more feedback though from people though to know if this is a commonly desired use case...
Steve --