(message (Hello 'Steven)
(you :wrote  :on '(Sat, 09 Dec 2006 20:02:06 +1100))

 SD> It is a good thing that when Fred decides to stop contributing to an
 SD> open source project (or leave the company), other people can read his
 SD> code without having to learn his Uber-Special Custom Macro Extended
 SD> Language. Even if Fred's USCMEL ran 35% faster (and thus saved an
 SD> entire four seconds on an average run with typical data!) the five or
 SD> six weeks of reduced programmer productivity when somebody else has to
 SD> maintain his code outweighs that.

have you ever faced this problem?
it's not a problem at all.

and it's possible to write unmaintanable code in any langauge. for example, 
Bram Cohen's BitTorrent (written in Python)
has a constructors with 21 positional parameters

class Rerequester:
    def __init__(self, url, interval, sched, howmany, minpeers,
            connect, externalsched, amount_left, up, down,
            port, ip, myid, infohash, timeout, errorfunc, maxpeers, 
            upratefunc, downratefunc, ever_got_incoming):

and here's how it called:

    rerequest = Rerequester(response['announce'], 
        rawserver.add_task, connecter.how_many_connections,
        config['min_peers'], encoder.start_connection,
        rawserver.add_task, storagewrapper.get_amount_left,
        upmeasure.get_total, downmeasure.get_total, listen_port,
        config['ip'], myid, infohash, config['http_timeout'], errorfunc,
        config['max_initiate'], doneflag, upmeasure.get_rate, 

i think it might be a bit hard to non-autist to remember order of parameters 
in such constructor. (and it's not the only one such place in BitTorrent)
and that guy teaches us how to write maintanable code! 

thus, you don't need macros to write unmaintanable code -- functions are 
enough for this. and with macros you can make it more maintanable, actually

(With-best-regards '(Alex Mizrahi) :aka 'killer_storm)
"People who lust for the Feel of keys on their fingertips (c) Inity") 


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