On Fri, 08 Dec 2006 16:50:01 +0200, Alex Mizrahi wrote:

> (message (Hello 'Istvan)
> (you :wrote  :on '(8 Dec 2006 06:11:20 -0800))
> (
>  ??>> seems to show that Python is a cut down (no macros) version of Lisp
>  ??>> with a worse performance.
>  IA> or maybe it shows that Lisp is an obfuscated version of Python
> hell no, lisp's syntax is much easier than python's since it's homogenous

By that "logic" "BrainF*ck" should be even easier still, since it is even
more homogeneous, with even less syntax.


Here's "Hello World" in Brainf*ck:


Actually, yes, it is "easier" syntax, if by easier you mean "easier for
the compiler to parse". If you mean "easier for most human beings to
read", then Lisp is easier than Brainf*ck and Python is easier than Lisp.



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