The following program gets a TextCtrl's text attributes and sets them back unchanged. However it reports that the font size is 124, and after resetting the attributes the text becomes that size. That is, the window displays a normal-size "foo" and a gigantic "bar". Anyone know what's going on?
This is WxPython 2.6 on Python 2.5 on Windows XP. ---------------------------------- import sys import wx class MyApp (wx.App): def __init__ (self): wx.App.__init__(self, redirect=0) def OnInit (self): top = wx.Frame(None, size=(500, 300)) txt = wx.TextCtrl(top, -1, "foo\n", (-1, -1), (400, 200), wx.TE_RICH|wx.TE_READONLY|wx.TE_MULTILINE) top.Show() attrs = wx.TextAttr() txt.GetStyle(0, attrs) font = attrs.GetFont() print "font face", font.GetFaceName() # prints MS Shell Dlg 2 print "font family", font.GetFamily() # prints 74 print "font size", font.GetPointSize() # prints 124! txt.SetDefaultStyle(attrs) txt.AppendText("bar\n") return True app = MyApp() app.MainLoop() --