George Sakkis wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >>Okay, since everyone ignored the FAQ, I guess I can too... >> >>Mark Tarver wrote: >> >>>How do you compare Python to Lisp? What specific advantages do you >>>think that one has over the other? >> >>(Common) Lisp is the only industrial strength language with both pure >>compositionality and a real compiler. What Python has is stupid slogans >>("It fits your brain." "Only one way to do things.") and an infinite >>community of flies that, for some inexplicable reason, believe these >>stupid slogns. These flies are, however, quite useful because they >>produce infinite numbers of random libraries, some of which end up >>being useful. But consider: Tcl replaced Csh, Perl replaced Tcl, Python >>is rapidly replacing Perl, and Ruby is simultaneously and even more >>rapidly replacing Python. Each is closer to Lisp than the last; the >>world is returning to Lisp and is dragging the flies with it. >>Eventually the flies will descend upon Lisp itself and will bring with >>them their infinite number of random libraries, and then things will be >>where they should have been 20 years ago, but got sidetracked by Tcl >>and other line noise. > > > I know we shouldn't feed the trolls, but this one was particularly > amusing to resist the urge. The joke about lisp's world domination in > some unspecified point in the future never fails to bring a good > chuckle. I heard it's scheduled right after strong AI and before time > travel, is this still the plan? A quick look at > may be helpful as a reality check before > you go back to your ivory tower (interesting how close in ratings and > growth is the "Lisp/Scheme" entry with another dinosaur, Cobol). >
And it interesting that VB is almost three times "better" than Python, and that a Honda could kick a Lamboghini's ass for it at Laguna Seca: Come on, COBOL is a great language, even has macros (copy ... replacing) and the worlds greatest case statement, evaluate. We are proud to be its neightbor. ken -- Algebra: "Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd "I'll say I'm losing my grip, and it feels terrific." -- Smiling husband to scowling wife, New Yorker cartoon --