Tim Chase wrote:
> > I'm semi-seriously wondering if snake jokes are valid in the Python
> > community since technically, Python came from Monty Python, not
> > slithery animals.
> >
> > Problem is I don't know that anyone born after Elvis died gets any of
> > these Monty Python jokes.
> I protest...Elvis isn't dead... ;-)  Every good geekling has
> surely been brought up with a staple diet of MP (as well as
> Hitchhikers, Black Adder, etc)...

Ah yes, exposure to Blackadder helps enormously ... after some hours
spent trying to understand things like metaclasses, it's helpful to
know what to do: put a pencil or chopstick up each nostril, wear your
underpants on your head, and sit there muttering "wibble wibble" until
they come to take you away.


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