At Friday 8/12/2006 05:30, Duncan Booth wrote:

> For the Borland C++ 3.1 help (about 1991):
>   If "t" or "b" is not given in the string, the mode is governed by
>   _fmode.
>       If _fmode is set to O_BINARY, files are opened in binary mode.
>       If _fmode is set to O_TEXT, they are opened in text mode.
> MSC used to have a similar flag (perhaps using the same name).
I assume you are using 'used to have' in the sense of 'still have, although
it is now deprecated in favour of the functions _get_fmode and _set_fmode'.

I meant "I have no idea whether it's still the case or not" - thanks for the info. And I was talking about the old MSC compiler, a quite different product from the current MSVC.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL
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