king kikapu wrote:

> At first, i am coming from another (language) programming world (C#
> mainly) and i hope you understand my wonders.
> Ok then, you tell me that the interpreter always execute the code in a
> module...If there are only def declarations in the module and no code
> to invoke them it does not execute anything.

you're not listening.  "def" is not a declaration, it's an executable 
statement, just like "print" and ordinary assignments and "import" and 
"class" and all the others.

the "def" statement itself is *executed* to define the function; it 
takes the argument specification and the function code body, and creates 
a new function object.  the resulting object is assigned to an ordinary 

the only thing that differs if you add a decorator to the mix is that 
the function object is passed to the decorator function *before* it's 
assigned to a variable.



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