Claudio Grondi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > "Ashot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > whoa, that was quick, looks like it works for me. Thanks a lot! > > It would be nice to be able to set the colors in the prefs file, although > > its possible to edit the pyColorize file as Claudio mentioned. > To get the coloured texts on a grey (instead of white) background > I have extended the to accept sequences as e.g. > "0;33;47" (see attachment) > have extended also the > def make_color_table(in_class): > in the of IPython > and adjusted the file, but it had not the desired effect. > IPython seems not to be sending to the sequences > defined in the
The problem *may* be the way I insert the background color in I simply hacked it to OR the initial value into the colors I get out of my table. If you want to have some colors with the background set, then we'd need to work out a way to signal that. Perhaps instead of or'ing in the value all the time, we should insert the background value into the table entries that don't specify the background. I'm happy to see someone hacking on it. The source is all there and it is all Python. The Win32 API stuff is ugly but well documented online. If you change the "if 0:" up at the top of to "if 1:" you'll get a file debug.txt with the contents of the various calls to "log". That way you can "print" stuff from within console without messing up the window. gb --