"Andrea Gavana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
>    I am having some problems in running a very simple python script,
> which prints some numbers in an Excel spreadsheet. The numbers are
> stored in a list. I know that the numbers are different (random
> generated), but when I open the Excel file I get a column of data with
> all the numbers equal to the first item in the python list.
> I attach a very simple script that reproduces the problem.
> I am using Python 2.5, PythonWin build 210, Windows XP. Am I missing
> something? Thank you for every hint.
> import os
> import random
> from win32com.client import Dispatch
> therand = []
> for ii in xrange(10):
>    therand.append(random.random())
> xlsapp = Dispatch("Excel.Application")
> wb = xlsapp.Workbooks.Add()
> xlsapp.Worksheets.Item(2).Delete()
> xlsapp.Worksheets.Item(1).Delete()
> sheet = wb.Sheets[0]
> sheet.Name = "Data"
> sheet.Range("A1:A10").Value = therand
> excelfile = "C:/HelloWin32.xls"
> wb.SaveAs(excelfile)
> wb.Close()
> xlsapp.Quit()
> os.startfile(excelfile)

Each row you insert into the Range need to be a



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