"It's clear Brad is being a jerk. This blog is for people who want to think about how they manage people, projects, and risk. For me, project management planning is the identification of release criteria and other prose about the project. But we don't always have all the clues, as I didn't in this conversation. But by not asking for help earlier, I might cause that to happen. I'm not sure why that was so hard to do. Is this a good time to talk? Even when I edit, I add more. " If anyone asks about Brad's jerkiness problems, you say, "Brad has decided to pursue career opportunities elsewhere. And in most circumstances, I manage to straight-talk without hurting anyone, even myself. Even when I edit, I add more. And some of us jump to conclusions quickly with the clues we have. But when I hook it up to my computer for scanning to a file, it falls apart. I have a picture that I want to simplify but I don't know Omnigraffle well enough to do so. Ok, I quit all the applications and leave my computer alone to install. Even when I edit, I add more. And some of us jump to conclusions quickly with the clues we have. I now know how to do this for the next time. Check out the Gifts with Purchase page too! You create a lack of trust by commenting about other people. Implicit requirements are still requirements. But that wasn't the case earlier this week. " We went on from there. I can do other things while I'm downloading. Well, I'm only sort-of happy. So does the swapping back in, if it's been a long time since I last worked on this task. Even though I managed to accomplish the tasks I needed, the time it took me to accomplish them and the foreign approach to the UI made me not happy. I was ready to throw the damn thing out the window when I thought, "Huh, I bet other people have this problem. If you're in flow, this is surprisingly high. I was able to start scanning and save my files. Luckily, Nice Person seemed to have taken it well. Even though I managed to accomplish the tasks I needed, the time it took me to accomplish them and the foreign approach to the UI made me not happy. Certainly, for some tasks, it's fairly trivial. So instead of making myself crazy trying to write more good stuff for you, I decided you should read these. Those implicit requirements are still requirements. And if you have to fire Brad, you say something like, "Brad has decided to pursue career opportunities elsewhere. I started to download. Ok, I'm a smart person, I can figure this out.
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