if by 'accessibility' you mean 'usable' (like python and firefox are usable), then yes. there are pygtk bindings for windows, and they work. http://python-forum.org/py/viewtopic.php?t=116 if by 'accessibility' you mean 'usable for the blind/deaf', then i think that is up to you as an application developer.
krishnakant Mane wrote: > has any one tried py gtk on windows? > I tried to do a google search for accessibility related issues but did > not find any thing specific to pygtk and windows accessibility. > I even tried to search for just gtk and windows accessibility but > again no result. > so I am now posting this message as a last hope to at least get a "yes > " or "no " answer on whether py gtk is accessible with windows. > thanks. > Krishnakant. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list