Chuck Rhode wrote:
> I couldn't find a routine to clean up, regularize, and reformat Python
> code, so I wrote one:
> Now, I'm looking for beta-testers.  Compensation is a bit on the low
> side.  In fact it's limited to the satisfaction of helping out.
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

for i in xrange ( 3) :
  print   i

$ python2.5 PythonTidy.python <
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

for i in xrange(3):
    print i

About changing the shebang line:  I'll take it as a bug.
About changing the encoding declaration from vim-style to emacs-style:
I'll take it as an insult :)

Both are comments, and should be left that way.  Besides, there is no
officially preferred way for each of them.  BTW, in a recent thread on
this newsgroup, most people said they preferred #!/usr/bin/env python over
#!/usb/bin/python for the shebang line. See .

Best regards.
Roberto Bonvallet

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