gregarican wrote: > gavino wrote: > > wtf > > You have to be trolling I would think. For most people I think they > would like to code in Python if they had a personal choice. But for > professional reasons they are likely forced to code in Java because of > the sheep mentality of the large corporate drone-dom that's out there. > To me, languages such as Smalltalk, Python, and Ruby allow the problems > to solve themselves in code that's easier to read and requires less > verbiage. Meanwhile all of Java's semicolons, curly braces, and > syntactical hoops leaves my fingers tired and my eyes crossed.
I want to learn to program and I can't seem to pick a direction. A java guy I know makes a lot of $, but a lot of reading I have done shows lisp smalltalk and haskell to be really nice, as well as of course python. It seems python is 4/5 way to lisp yet has a lot of people using it for practical things. I also hear that it dominates in leaving readable code behind it. Am I listening to too much marketing from non dominant tools? I hear again and again how java is just putrid. My instict says learn something like scheme but my smal experience sees only java people making money.. aggkk!! --