[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb: > >> Does anyone know of a way to read text labels from a Win32 application. >> I am familiar with using pywin32 and the SendMessage function to >> capture text from Buttons,text boxex, comboboxes, etc, however, the >> text I am would like to capture doesn't appear to be in a control. > > > This article tells the whole story > > "The secret life of GetWindowText" > http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2003/08/21/54675.aspx
Appended is a script that is a fairly straight-forward conversion of the code in the above article to Python. Needs ctypes and comtypes. Python 2.5 already includes ctypes; comtypes can be installed with 'easy_install comtypes'. Thomas
import sys, time from ctypes import windll, oledll, WinError, byref, POINTER from ctypes.wintypes import POINT from comtypes import COMError from comtypes.automation import VARIANT from comtypes.client import GetModule # create wrapper for the oleacc.dll type library GetModule("oleacc.dll") # import the interface we need from the wrapper from comtypes.gen.Accessibility import IAccessible def GetCursorPos(): "Return the cursor coordinates" pt = POINT() if not windll.user32.GetCursorPos(byref(pt)): raise WinError() return pt.x, pt.y def AccessibleObjectFromPoint(x, y): "Return an accessible object and an index. See MSDN for details." pacc = POINTER(IAccessible)() var = VARIANT() oledll.oleacc.AccessibleObjectFromPoint(POINT(x, y), byref(pacc), byref(var)) return pacc, var if __name__ == "__main__": while 1: time.sleep(1) x, y = GetCursorPos() try: pacc, index = AccessibleObjectFromPoint(x, y) name = pacc.accName[index] except (WindowsError, COMError), details: print details continue if name is not None: print "===", (x, y), "=" * 60 print name.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, "backslashreplace")
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