Hello all, I hope I am posting this correctly. I am running Python 2.4.2 on Slackware 11.0 using IDLE. I am in the process of learning python so I am writing a text adventure game using functions and global variables only. I know there is a better way to do this but that is for later.
When I run the python program it works fine until I try to go west from my inital start room. I get the room description but no raw_input prompt. I just get dumped back to >>> in the python shell. I think I am missing something simple. I pasted in the code below. I am using gmail so I hope the formatting stays. If not I can send the .py as an attachment if needed. Thanks. Ara Code: #A sample text adventure game #Version 0.1 #By Ara Kooser #Using global variables for the character #Want to use a function instead stre = 9 con = 8 inte = 11 agl = 14 app = 10 mag = 6 sz = 9 hp = 17 reputation = 0 stealth = False quest1 = False quest2 = False curse = False poison = False diseased = False ducats = 50 lira = 25 florin = 80 equipment = {'Sword': 1, 'Dagger': 1, 'Walking staff': 1, 'Leather Armor':1} backpack = {'Flint and steel': 1, 'Rations': 7, 'dressing kit': 6, 'waterskin': 2} belt_pouch = {} ##################################################################################### day = False # help function that will give you a list of commands def help(): print "look, examine (object), n, w, e, s, take (item)" print "climb, stealth, fishing, herbalism, forage, haggle" print "field dressing" print "wield (object), attack, flee, close, withdraw" print "backpack, belt pouch, cs" print "Example: examine book, take ducats, attack orc" # I want to setup the character has a function but I am not sure how # to call and modify, the stats, counters, and flags. Currently I am # setting these as global variables #def character(self): # #Initalize stats # self.str = 9 # self.con = 8 # self.int = 11 # self.agl = 14 # self.app = 10 # self.mag = 6 # self.sz = 9 # self.hp = 17 # #Initalize flags # self.quest1 = False # self.quest2 = False # self.curse = False # self.poison = False # self.diseased = False #Initalize counters # self.ducats = 50 # self.lira = 25 # self.florin = 80 # self.reputation = 0 # Sets up a character sheet to print out to screen #To do list - make the sheet update as the game progresses def character_sheet(): print """\ ============================================================================ Name: Profession: Social Class: Race: ============================================================================ Strength Constitution Intelligence Agility Appearance Magic Size ============================================================================ Ducats: Lira: Florin: Skills: Forage, Haggle, Stealth, Fishing, Herbalism, Climb, Sword, Staff, Dagger, Field Dressing Equipment: Backpack, Belt Pouch, Run of the Mill Sword, Dagger, Flint&Steel 1 week food, 2 waterskins, walking stick, dressing kit ============================================================================ """ def start(): print ''' SAMPLE TEXT ADVENTURE V0.1 You are the last person to leave the small village of Hommlet. The wooden gate closes behind you and twilight reaches across the land. A dense mist creeps up out of the ground, only to be kept at bay by the watchmens torches. Somewhere deep in the woods lies the foul orcs you have tracked for several days. ''' print def outside1(): global hp global reputation print " Current Hit Points = ",hp print " Current Reputation = ",reputation print ''' You are outside the town gates. The dirt road heads (N)orth to another town several days away. The forest lies (E)ast and (W)est through the meadows. The rumors you heard in town describe the orcs as being to the west. The town's gate is to the (S)outh but it is locked for the night. Type 'help' for a full list of commands.''' print prompt_out1() def out1_desc(): print ''' The fog is growing denser as the sun sets on the meadows. The exits are (N)orth, (E)ast and (W)est.''' print prompt_out1() def prompt_out1(): global day prompt_o1 = raw_input("Type a command: ").lower() try: if prompt_o1 == "help": help() print prompt_out1() elif prompt_o1 == "cs": character_sheet() print prompt_out1() elif prompt_o1 == "status": print " Current Hit Points = ",hp print " Current Reputation = ",reputation prompt_out1() elif prompt_o1 == "backpack": print backpack prompt_out1() elif prompt_o1 == "belt pouch": print belt_pouch prompt_out1() elif prompt_o1 == "equipment": print equipment prompt_out1() ######################################################################################## elif prompt_o1 == "examine fog": print "The fog seems natural enough for this time of year." print prompt_out1() elif prompt_o1 == "examine road": print ''' The road is a well travelled dirt road winding many leagues''' print prompt_out1() elif prompt_o1 == "look": out1_desc() ####################################################################################### elif prompt_o1 == "w": meadow1() elif prompt_o1 == "e": meadow2() elif prompt_o1 == "s": #if day = False print "The town's gate is closed for the night" print prompt_out1() #elif # town_1 elif prompt_o1 == "n": n_road() ###################################################################################### elif prompt_o1 == "haggle": print "There is no one to haggle with here." promt_out1() elif prompt_o1 == "stealth": print "You try and be stealthy" prompt_out1() else: print "Please choose another command. That command is invalid" print prompt_out1() except ValueError: print "Please choose another command. That command is invalid" print prompt_out1() def meadow1(): global hp global reputation print " Current Hit Points = ",hp print " Current Reputation = ",reputation print ''' You are in the meadows that surrond the northwest of the town. In the day the field is a golden brown. Right now the grass is waist high and thickly covered with dew. Your footsteps and the sounds of the night are dampened here. A broken trail leads into the forest (W)est. The meadow continues (N)orth along the road. (E)ast takes you back to the road and the entrance to Hommlet. The wooden wall of the town is just south of here. Type 'help' for a full list of commands.''' print prompt_meadow1 def meadow1_desc(): print ''' The fog bends the grass down and drops of water roll off the blades. You can see about 5 paces in front of you. Your clothes are starting to get damp. The broken trail heads (W)est. The road is (E)ast. The meadow continues (N)orth and the town's wall is to the south.''' prompt_meadow1 def prompt_meadow1(): prompt_m1 = raw_input("Type a command: ").lower() try: if prompt_m1 == "help": help() print prompt_meadow1() elif prompt_m1 == "cs": character_sheet() print prompt_meadow1() elif prompt_m1 == "status": print " Current Hit Points = ",hp print " Current Reputation = ",reputation elif prompt_m1 == "backpack": print backpack prompt_meadow1() elif prompt_m1 == "belt pouch": print belt_pouch prompt_meadow1() elif prompt_m1 == "equipment": print equipment prompt_meadow1() ############################################################################################### elif prompt_m1 == "examine fog": print "The fog seems natural enough for this time of year." print prompt_meadow1() elif prompt_m1 == "examine grass": print '''The grass would be a golden brown in the light however now it's just gray and damp.''' print prompt_meadow1() elif prompt_m1 == "look": meadow1_desc() ############################################################################################### elif prompt_m1 == "s": #if day = False print "The town's wooden wall is in your way" print prompt_meadow1() #elif # town_1 elif prompt_m1 == "w": edge_forest1() elif prompt_m1 == "e": outside_1() elif prompt_m1 == "n": n_meadow_1() ################################################################################################ elif prompt_m1 == "haggle": print "There is no one to haggle with here." promt_meadow1() elif prompt_m1 == "stealth": print "You try and be stealthy" prompt_meadow1() elif prompt_m1 == "forage": if getGrass_m1 == 0: print "You find some blades of grass and gather them up." backpack['mdw_grass'] backpack['mdw_grass'] = 1 print backpack getGrass == 1 prompt_meadow1() elif getGrass_m1 == 1: print "Someone has gathered the grass already." print prompt_meadow1() else: print "Please choose another command. That command is invalid" print prompt_meadow1() except ValueError: print "Please choose another command. That command is invalid" print prompt_meadow1() start() outside1() -- Quis hic locus, quae regio, quae mundi plaga. Ubi sum. Sub ortu solis an sub cardine glacialis ursae. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list