Hi, all.
I have a problem of float return error in python c binding module.
Below is my c sources, compile commands and result of program.

========== wrap.c =========
#include <Python.h>

PyObject *wrap_fact(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
double n=0.0,result=0.0;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args,"d:fact",&n))
        return NULL;
    result = fact(n);
    result = fact(result);
    return Py_BuildValue("d",result);

PyObject *wrap_test(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
double value = 0.124;
    return Py_BuildValue ("d", value);

static PyMethodDef exampleMethods[] =
    {"fact", wrap_fact, METH_VARARGS, "Simple return a float"},
    {"test", wrap_test, METH_VARARGS, "Test"},

void initexample()
    PyObject *m;
    m = Py_InitModule ("example", exampleMethods);
========== end wrap.c =========

========== example.c =========
#include <stdio.h>

double fact(double n)
    printf ("n=%f\n",n);
    return n;

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    printf ("%f\n",fact(0.1234));
========== end example.c =========

complied with commands:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gcc -fpic -c -I. -I.. -I/usr/include/python2.4/ example.c
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gcc -shared -o example.so example.o wrap.o

then i used the example.so with command:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -c "import example; print example.fact(0.444)"
n=-103079215.000000 <-- Why not is 0.444?
-1140850688.0 <--- Why not is 0.444?


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